Alright, time to jump on this Pokemon bandwagon… sort of. The whole Pokemon craze never really caught on with me. I was shielded from it somehow, probably with the help of Sailor Moon and her galactic posse (Sailor Mars was my favourite)! I don’t really have much to say on this freshly (digitally) inked cartoon…

Teaching Manners
Well I’ve just come back from Mexico a little swarthier, a little heavier and certainly itchier than before. It was a nice relaxing vacation where all I had to do was eat, lounge in the pool and sleep. Lethargy and perhaps diet made me susceptible to preying mosquitoes. Ugh, how I hate them. I practically…

Cutie Patootie
As I take my dog and baby for walks in the summer, I realize that there are 2 kinds of people I encounter: those that notice dogs and those that notice babies. I have a 22 month old daughter who is pretty darned cute (no momma bias whatsoever) and I also happen to have a…

Smart Spider
Taking out the compost one day had me smack-full in the trenches of flies being disturbed from their rotting meal. A thought popped into my head, “Smart is the spider who builds its web above this compost”.

Ribbit Ribbit
Ever noticed how close “ribbit” and “rabbit” sounded? Well, if so, then you’re in good company! If not, carry on! This mischievousness reminds me of my childhood 🙂 Now lesseeeeeee, which one to share? It was summer and I was 10ish. The ice cream truck would drive slowly through our neighbourhood blaring Joplin’s “The Entertainer”…

Beach Fruit
Nectarines and peaches… oh why must you be shaped like so? I can’t help contain my immature snickers and now look! You’ve got your own cartoon (and book)! Stay peachy, San Diego!

Dim Sum
My favourite foods generally involve tasty meat enclosed in some form of delectable carbs such as the bun, wrapper, pastry, bread etc. In fact, to maintain consistency throughout, the Chinesy “Yin + Yangster” font that appears at the top of this website is called the “wonton font”. How’s THAT for dedication, huh? *wink wink* In…

Corn Problems
Popcorn. I loooooooooove popcorn. Especially drizzled with real fatty butter. Mmmmmmmmm. I had some the other day when dear old hubby and I went out to watch the movie Jungle Book (great movie BTW). They’re insanely expensive but oh-so-delicious. It’s the ONE time in a blue moon I let my (Chinese money saving instincts) self…

I just wanted to caution readers not to read too much into my cartoons. It may be tempting to think that I’m immortalizing interactions with my poor husband when in actual fact I am not. I do have a bit of an imagination so most of my ideas are from my musings. Sometimes though, I…

French Canadian
Happy Canada Day!! This was originally drawn months ago when I still drew everything by hand, with paper and ink. Nowadays I’ve become quite accustomed to drawing exclusively on the computer. Anyway, I just wanted to salute my home country – the land of the free (and free health care)!

Last Day
Happy Canada Day! A Canadian cartoon is coming right up but first, I thought I would take the opportunity to draw out what a lot of people may have already been feeling over the last few days. For me as a teacher, this moment didn’t come until June 30 @ 3:30pm. I think both students and…

***Breaking News*** The UK has just voted to exit the EU and major news headlines have been replete with the consequences of such a decision. Undoubtedly this will have a significant impact on our global economy in the years to come. There have even been talks of another referendum to revisit the issue. Now normally, I…

End of Term
This pretty much sums up the year just before marks are due. Though, I did exaggerate just a wee bit for comedic effect.

In Moderation
So it looks like I’ll be slowing down the cartoon posts as the term winds down amidst a flurry of marking, report cards and year-end wrap up duties. I’ve also been enlisted to work on a couple illustrating projects on the side as I continue to work on a different cartooning style. This cartoon is just…

So I’ve tested this cartoon on a few people and they didn’t always understand it so at the risk of not being funny through explanation, here goes: In Western media, our conscience is often portrayed as a little angel and devil sitting on our shoulders. The angel tells us to do good while the devil…

I’ve never had allergies that bad. Until now. I have woken up with my eyes all puffy as though I had cried all night simply due to all the eye rubbing I do, caused by all the itchiness. This prompted the inspiration for this simple cartoon that was purposely drawn with a digital pencil.

Big Sneeze
As my allergies kick into high gear, I often feel as though I’ve sneezed an earth-shattering sneeze that my brain is sure to come flying out. I know, that means I must have a small brain… but size doesn’t matter, does it?

A few months back I was talking to a massage therapist. I’m a pretty curious person so I like to ask questions and the opinions of others. We broached the topic of acupuncture. She told me that there’s a pressure point in the ear that’s supposed to be really effective in eliminating migraines. Naturally, I…

The Province, May 29, 2016 Earlier this year when I was in Montreal, I made sure I ordered the local delicacy known as poutine. The local Quebec french accent pronounced it “poo-tan” and that’s when it struck me that it sounded so much like Putin. James Picard is a nifty local artist I met when…

Kid Logic
As the Math 10 co-ordinator of my school, I’m responsible for creating/coordinating math exams for the entire grade (midterm, final, provincial exam). In years past, the cover page of the provincial exam review package that I have photocopied for the kiddies usually consists of some math clip art courtesy of Word. This year, however, I decided to come…

Tooth Fairy
On Saturday May 21, 2016 I attended Vancouver’s Comic Arts Festival where I got to meet Lynn Johnston, creator of For Better or For Worse comic strip. If you don’t know who she is, go google her now! She’s so talented and what she’s contributed to the cartooning world as a female, as a Canadian,…

Nose Job
The Province, May 22, 2016 For my young readers who may not be aware, the sciency name for ‘nose job’ is ‘rhinoplasty’. That word, in and of itself basically was loaded with a punchline which depended on me how much I wanted to play with it. The final result is based off of my husband’s suggestion, to…

Missed the Boat
Ever felt like you missed the boat? Well there’s good news.  You CAN swim AND survive! 🙂

Rubber Chicken
The Province, May 15, 2016 So I haven’t updated in a week! Yikes! Reason being is my Chinese money-saving instincts kicked in to high drive as I was working hard at meeting a couple of Groupon deadlines. I was determined NOT to lose out on the added monetary value as I bought a few Photobook…

The Province, May 8, 2016 Happy (Canadian) Mother’s Day, eh! Why Canadian? Only because I’ve drawn 5 references specific to Canadians. See if you can spot them all! 🙂

Itsy Bitsy
My favourite part of this cartoon is its cute little bum 🙂

Fishers of Men
Jesus famously said in Matthew 4:19 and Mark 1:17 “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (ESV). IÂ wondered what this looked like if taken from the viewpoint of carnivorous sharks. This is an older cartoon but upon my husband’s suggestion, I did update it to reflect a newer, more polished appearance in…

Baby Powder
The Province, May 1, 2016 Often times, people will say, “Don’t take things too literally”. Well, I’m an expert at taking things literally and it’s suited me fine, thank you very much. In fact, it’s helped me produce a lot of ideas for cartoons. Take for example today’s cartoon. I was using some cornstarch-based baby…

Just an idea I had when I thought how about how other primates must view our celebrity culture through their eyes. FYI, IÂ tried to draw this as clean as possible.

Quit It!
Parenting is tough, ESPECIALLY when you’re hungry. Even more so if you’re a hamster mom. Did you know that hamsters are known to eat their young? I had no idea! The random things you learn from Google! This comic was drawn for a very sweet cousin of mine who has two lovely children 🙂 Disclaimer: Some…

Chinese Artist
Based on a true story. When I was in grade 11, my electronic desktop publishing teacher Mr. Ireland asked me what I would be studying in post-secondary. I told him I’d be studying sciences. He asked me why I wouldn’t be pursuing something more art-related and I simply replied, “Because my parents are Chinese”. Tis…

Good Deeds
The Province, April 24, 2016 If entrance into heaven were based on our good deeds outweighing our bad deeds, then this quantifiable standard of admission would be extremely unfortunate for at least some of us.

Fish Market
So I’m not sure if everyone is familiar with the process of my going into publication. Allow me to explain… Every week I submit 2 comics I’ve drawn to my editor. He, along with his panel of judges, choose one to publish. Or, maybe none. Or maybe both. If I didn’t tickle their funny bone…

Au Naturel
I grew up in a family of 4 girls, plus my mom. We also had 2 dogs that were female (I think the correct term is *bitches*). My poor father was the lone male of the household. I always tell people he compensated by raising us all as tomboys. As such, I am useless when…

Earth’s Crust
The Province, April 17, 2016. Have you ever spaced out when someone was jibber jabbering away at you? I presume most of my students space out when I teach math to them but this time, I was the space cowboy, err rather cowgirl. I was listening to someone talk at church (wasn’t the pastor LOL)…

Chicken Sneeze
A couple years ago, I sketched this out but only decided to bring this to life in colour now. Vancouver this time of year is absolutely gorgeous. The first signs of Spring are in full motion – the loud drone of lawnmowers cutting its first lawn of the year, colourful flowers adorn sidewalks and gardens, birds…

Big bird
I love Sesame Street. I grew up on Sesame Street. And now my daughter watches enough Sesame Street. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) I’m not above scat humour. Sorry?? I do do that sort of stuff. See what I did there? I’m even related to some cousins that made their entire wedding theme all about flatulence! A smelly…

Canucks’ post season game
The Province, April 10, 2016 Ever since I was a young girl, I cheered on our local hockey team, the Vancouver Canucks. My whole family did. In fact, it was inevitable in my house. My dad would always have the pre-game, game, and post-game shows blasting at all hours of the night. His mood was…

Tot Humpty
A toddler, have I. Wobbly and unsteady. Running, lumbering, falling. -Laura Yang Ok not quite a haiku. Poems were never really my strong suit. Nevertheless, my daughter’s in that phase where she only has 2 modes while in transit: running or falling and nothing in between. She’s either running full speed with head bobbing and…

Hard Hat
One day as I combed my daughter’s hair, I noticed a strand of white hair. Immediately, I thought incredulously, “What the heck does she have to be stressed out for?!” And then, it fell away. It was my dog’s white fur. She sheds like a beast and yet she’s only 7 lbs. So I just…

The Province, April 3, 2016 I drew this up a while ago and so it was waiting in the wings for its turn at bat. I love how the white ivory and black ebonite on a piano is referred to as keys. Taken out of context, it means something else altogether so initially this cartoon idea…

Eglise de
For Spring Break I, along with my husband and daughter, spent two weeks with my sister in Ottawa. She took us on a mini road trip to Montreal, Quebec where I hadn’t been inundated with French since maybe 15 years ago. My rusty high school French came back and I must have seen “Chine” somewhere…

Follow Me
The Province, March 27, 2016 Social media is a funny thing. And by funny I meant prior to my comics becoming more serious, I hadn’t ventured onto Twitter or Instagram. I hear there’s also Pinterest, Google, Tumblr, Snapchat etc. Call me an Old Fart but I almost exclusively use Facebook and Whatsapp. For the longest…

This is more of a personal cartoon. My husband is a pilot and he’d been working all his life to get hired by Air Canada because as you know, no one recognizes any other Canadian airline. So now he feels validated, I’m sure, and even more so since he’s forever commemorated in a cartoon that…

It was Easter and as a Christian, I was contemplating the cross. I thought about the cross and it standing up. Then my thought process went as follows: – What if it fell over? – What if it crushed something? – What if it crushed someone? And so it was… and of course I had…

The Province, March 20, 2016. Snapchat is extremely popular with my students. I just don’t understand it. I don’t see how it’s superior to Whatsapp or good ol’ SMSing. So I thought what Snapchatting would look like with older people like me. This was the best I could come up with. Forgive me.

Baby Galileo
After becoming a parent and since being published, the ideas on cartooning about babies has been nonstop. I can’t keep up. There isn’t enough time in a day to whip them all up. This particular cartoon happened when I was flustered trying to make dinner and my toddler was clamoring for my attention. She wanted…

Inside the Box
The Province, Mar. 13, 2016. People sometimes ask me where I get my inspiration from. Sometimes my mind wanders, but often times it’s just from hanging out with people. I listen to their language and the idioms that inevitably come out. I swear, there’s such a goldmine of punchlines waiting to be discovered. Such is…

Buck Buck Buck
This cartoon was initially drawn with a dorky muscular man with buck teeth, a chicken and then a dude buying a watermelon in the lineup of a grocery checkout. My husband thought the chicken should be at the back and the muscular man should look gangster. So I listened to him (must have been a…

Primitive Soccer
The Province, Mar. 6, 2016. I actually drew this a couple years ago for a cartoon contest. The theme was sports and so I racked my brain a bit. I like to take something of current context and go backwards or forwards in time to see if it adds any humour. Well this one did….

Mouse Under Bed
My parents have a mouse problem. My mom is deathly afraid of said mice. You can hear her scream from my house, which is about 40 km away. I decided to document a recent sighting. The lady in the picture is my youngest sister.

The Province, Feb. 28, 2016. I grew up in Vancouver and I consider it home. But as housing prices skyrocketed, I looked deep within my pockets and found a few holes. We had to move out and buy some place elsewhere before we could no longer afford that too! Vancouver unaffordability is a hot topic…

The Province, Feb. 21, 2016. One of the hottest children’s characters recently has been the minions from Despicable Me. I was a bit late to catch on but I figured they sounded really similar to onions. How silly would it be to have them arranged like onions in a grocery store with a misunderstanding from…

First published cartoon in colour! The Province, Feb. 14, 2016. After drawing all my cartoons by hand up until this point, my husband convinced me to draw them on the computer. What powers of persuasion, eh? Well, he did convince me to marry him after all… Anyway, I’m a bit of a technophobe. I like…

Cloud 8
The Province, Feb. 7, 2016. So my initial idea was to have happy inhabitants of Cloud 9 contrasted with a foreground of somber and depressed people of Cloud 8. However, it just didn’t quite pack enough punch for me. I thought about it some more and thought, “Hey, the number 8 is lucky in Chinese….

Getting Published
I’m extremely humbled and honoured to be written up by Mr. Wayne Moriarty, Editor-in-Chief of The Province. In fact it is to him I owe the beginning of my publishing career. The Province, Jan. 31, 2016: