I’ve been making ice cream for the summer and yes, tis true… this is what makes good ice cream! 🙂
Category: Black and White

It’s been a long time since I’ve drawn a cartoon relating to students. Since I’ve switched districts, I’m now just a substitute teacher so it’s harder forming authentic relationships with students. Having said that, I am starting to get noticed a bit as kids remember me as the “math teacher who talked about the Cybertruck”…

Glorious Day
Another rejected cartoon, saved for a rainy day! 🙂 Have a fabulous week! -Laura

Flattening the Curve
Hooraaay… we survived another week…. *sigh*

Social Distancing
Since work has dried up, i’ve had more time these days to draw some cartoons but I’m not really feeling it. (This cartoon posted was drawn 2 weeks ago.) Trying to stay afloat (LOL) I guess in the mental health department. My latest obsession is learning as much Chinese as I can via books, articles,…

Typical Toddler
Ugh… I spent way too much time on this trying to figure out how to watercolour on the tablet using Clip Studio. Epic fail. Not really the look I was going for. Looks too washed out. Can any experienced among you suggest how to make it look less faint and more strong? Does that even…

Nov 30, 2018
For a caption contest at www.reef2reef.com sometime in Dec 2018. Winners: #1 “Hey Mom!! … I think Dad is going to ask if he can upgrade to a bigger tank AGAIN!!” #2 “You didn’t read any of these, did you?” #3 “Dad… I think it said aquascaping… not aquastacking.”

Initially I had a parenting punchline figured out for this week but then my daughter mispronounced something that instantly inspired me. The storyboard sequence in my head came pretty naturally so I just had to ink it! The tricky part was finding time between keeping a preschooler and newborn twins alive, commenting on every funny…

Gassy Baby
Aaaaaaaaaaaand rooooooooound 2! 🙂

Mosquito Doubts
Here’s a cartoon I drew up last month to stall while I work on some other personal projects. Hope you enjoy! 🙂

Mind Blown
This one’s dedicated to all my math students! 🙂 Please share with all your friends! 😀

Can’t Win
*sigh* As a soft math teacher, the struggle is real.

Scrolling through my archive of ideas, I happened on this quickie… posting this from the U S of A (Spring Break!!!).

The Pants Test
Well this pretty much sums up the current mood.

Holiday Eating
Well if your Christmas holidays have been anything like mine, it’s full of feast and family. It’s practically non-stop eating!!!!

Marking Blues
End of term 1 is upon us… which means teachers are frantically marking and busy preparing report cards. Me? Oh, I just decided to draw this up to encourage my fellow colleagues. 🙂

Homework Check
Inspired by true events….

Rainy Day?
In trying to keep up my weekly quota of a whopping ONE cartoon, here’s the latest. Too bad it doesn’t coincide with a rainy day… just happens to be snowy. Urgh…

Halloween 2017
I was waiting for rainier weather to post a cartoon I had drawn up on the topic but it’s been gorgeous out ever since! Guess I’ll have to save it for a rainy day. *Hyuk hyuk* Anyway, I decided to draw a Halloween cartoon instead. Boy sure feels good to draw again.

Login Password
Well I managed to fall asleep what, 3 times while drawing this cartoon on 3 different evenings. I’m happy to say I finally completed it! 🙂 After not teaching for 2 months in the summer, I came back to work on the first day with this problem. I had completely forgotten my passwords and thus,…

Introducing Bean
Today is my daughter’s birthday so what better way to celebrate than to introduce her into the strip? She has provided us with so much laughter it’s only fair for me to share. Happy 3rd Birthday, Bean!

Back 2 School
Commemorating the end of summer holidays of freedom, relaxation and late night sleeps to even later morning, er… afternoon wake-ups transitioning into regimented school schedules and the demanding work that ensues, I present you…. Good luck to all staff and students going back!! 🙂

School’s Out
So this is about as cool of a teacher I am in real life… or try to be! 🙂 Have an adventurous, fun-filled and safe summer everyone!! 🙂 Keep on learning!!! Ms. Yang

Desperate Student
Oh just another one… 🙂

Begging Student
So this time of year students appear out of the woodwork begging for mark increases in their final grade. This is a reenactment of my active imagination. Just…. over… 2… weeks… left!!! *crawling to the finish line*

*sigh* I have a love-hate relationship with Facebook. Can’t live with it, can’t live without it. GrrrRrRrRrrrr…

It’s been a while since I last posted. Hooboy! It’s 4am and I’m not asleep yet so what better way to  end off the night/start the day off by drawing about it? 🙂 Anyway, hope you enjoy. It’s sure nice to draw again 🙂 Laura

Haircut 4
Once when I was a child aspiring to be a cartoonist, I received some good advice from an industry-insider. Namely, to stretch out my cartoons by having a running story line in the background that extends beyond the gag. Well, I’m now starting to do that as I gain inspiration from my haircut. Let’s see how…

Haircut 3
Since I’m now sporting a bob cut, I’ve got a series of multi-panel cartoons that I’d like to do just on haircuts. This is actually the third haircut cartoon. Haircut 2 didn’t quite make the cut. *pun intended* HAHAHAHA That just rolled out of nowhere! The other day in class I was teaching my Math…

Haircut 1
So I’m pretty much the Ponytail Queen… Low-key and low maintenance. I don’t like hair on my face and it’s quick and easy just to tie the mane back. Plus it’s easier to play sports in… though lately that hasn’t been an issue. ha… *sigh* I believe how we wear our hair is a manifestation…

Chinese New Year
Well, not sure if y’all are awares but, today is Chinese New Year (though celebrated by Vietnamese, Koreans et al). It’s sort of like the Christmas of China. When I lived in Taiwan, you’d get a week off of work. Businesses were closed. People would migrate to their home town and spend lots of time…

Christmas Decorations
Not much to say except this may have been inspired by true events. 🙂

Rejection Hurts
Life is quite busy but full. So, in an effort to reduce the amount of effort (haha) required to crank out cartoons, I decided to go the simple route. Simple, multi-panel strips that require more focus on the writing than on the artwork. I’ve been told by many in the industry that good writing saves bad…

Staff Social
Ok let me just say, I love my colleagues and this has NOTHING to do with you lovely fine folks but more about my wandering mind… and the reasons people give for not attending certain events. 🙂

Kiddie Trap
Halloween just passed and the kid did great pulling in a major haul to feed Mom and Dad’s addiction to sugar. She went as a purple dinosaur. It was glorious. Her tail almost caught fire as it brushed up against a jack-o-lantern’s internal and very lit candle. Anyway, this cartoon was done a while back…

Happy Birthday
So today was the munchkin’s 2nd birthday. I decided to post up a birthday-esque cartoon that I drew up a couple months ago. I was experimenting with a more New Yorker style but think my cartoons are still a bit too cartoony, if that makes any sense. Anyway, now that she’s full-swing into the Terrible…

***Breaking News*** The UK has just voted to exit the EU and major news headlines have been replete with the consequences of such a decision. Undoubtedly this will have a significant impact on our global economy in the years to come. There have even been talks of another referendum to revisit the issue. Now normally, I…

I’ve never had allergies that bad. Until now. I have woken up with my eyes all puffy as though I had cried all night simply due to all the eye rubbing I do, caused by all the itchiness. This prompted the inspiration for this simple cartoon that was purposely drawn with a digital pencil.

Eglise de
For Spring Break I, along with my husband and daughter, spent two weeks with my sister in Ottawa. She took us on a mini road trip to Montreal, Quebec where I hadn’t been inundated with French since maybe 15 years ago. My rusty high school French came back and I must have seen “Chine” somewhere…

Cloud 8
The Province, Feb. 7, 2016. So my initial idea was to have happy inhabitants of Cloud 9 contrasted with a foreground of somber and depressed people of Cloud 8. However, it just didn’t quite pack enough punch for me. I thought about it some more and thought, “Hey, the number 8 is lucky in Chinese….

Getting Published
I’m extremely humbled and honoured to be written up by Mr. Wayne Moriarty, Editor-in-Chief of The Province. In fact it is to him I owe the beginning of my publishing career. The Province, Jan. 31, 2016: http://blogs.theprovince.com/2016/01/31/wayne-moriarty-math-teaching-cartoonist-tosses-perfect-pitch/