Category: Teaching

No Time
Based on a true story. Lol

Much Work
I was working on this cartoon when, ironically (or not?) before completing it, I fell asleep on my face! Self-fulfilling prophecy! LOL It’s been crazy work-wise so I won’t be able to devote as much time to my beloved passion until I get into the swing of things. Hope y’all are doing well! 🙂 Laura

Welp, school is officially out and summer is upon us! 🙂 However, I’ll be teaching Math 10 so I’m frantically preparing for that as I have to revamp my dusty old lesson plans from 2016! HAGS, everyone! 🙂

Mean Teacher
I remember a well-liked math professor who would sweat profusely while he lectured, only because he was busy writing on ancient chalkboards that constantly needed to be shuffled around. His back would be drenched in sweat as it soaked through his dress shirt and I remember being distinctly grossed out by it… oh how the…

Paying Attention
Yep it’s true, I don’t understand cryptocurrencies.. though once I found out there were Fibonacci retracements used in trading stocks and cryptocurrencies, it’s got my attention. It’ll be something for me to learn maybe in the summer?? Who am I kidding… LOL

Spring Break
Be safe, stay calm, wash your hands… aaaaaaaaaaand Have a great Spring Break!!!!!!!!! Ms. Yang

Click Clack
I dedicate this one to all the people I work with who wear heels 🙂 Teehee! ^_^

It’s been a long time since I’ve drawn a cartoon relating to students. Since I’ve switched districts, I’m now just a substitute teacher so it’s harder forming authentic relationships with students. Having said that, I am starting to get noticed a bit as kids remember me as the “math teacher who talked about the Cybertruck”…

The Graph
I must confess… this is a late post because my originally scheduled post didn’t pass muster when I sent it to my husband and some close friends and family. The rebellious me wanted to post it in response to some of the racism that the Chinese community in Canada/USA has experienced over hyped up coronavirus…

First Day
As a teacher, I secretly hope that my children will love learning and love school. My daughter has met her kindergarten teacher for about 20 minutes but doesn’t officially have her first day until Monday so the idea for this cartoon came a couple of years prior when a friend’s daughter was asked this question…

Preschool Grad
This last week of June, my oldest daughter just graduated from preschool. I heard I may tear up and cry. Did I? Nope. It was also the last day for me at my school where it was home for the last 10 years. I feared I would cry at the goodbye presentations. Did I? Double…

49 Percent
Ohhhhhhhh just a lil therapy this time of year 🙂

Marking Tests
Can any of my students guess who? 🙂

Mind Blown
This one’s dedicated to all my math students! 🙂 Please share with all your friends! 😀

Can’t Win
*sigh* As a soft math teacher, the struggle is real.

Marking Blues
End of term 1 is upon us… which means teachers are frantically marking and busy preparing report cards. Me? Oh, I just decided to draw this up to encourage my fellow colleagues. 🙂

Homework Check
Inspired by true events….

Halloween 2017
I was waiting for rainier weather to post a cartoon I had drawn up on the topic but it’s been gorgeous out ever since! Guess I’ll have to save it for a rainy day. *Hyuk hyuk* Anyway, I decided to draw a Halloween cartoon instead. Boy sure feels good to draw again.

Login Password
Well I managed to fall asleep what, 3 times while drawing this cartoon on 3 different evenings. I’m happy to say I finally completed it! 🙂 After not teaching for 2 months in the summer, I came back to work on the first day with this problem. I had completely forgotten my passwords and thus,…

Back 2 School
Commemorating the end of summer holidays of freedom, relaxation and late night sleeps to even later morning, er… afternoon wake-ups transitioning into regimented school schedules and the demanding work that ensues, I present you…. Good luck to all staff and students going back!! 🙂

School’s Out
So this is about as cool of a teacher I am in real life… or try to be! 🙂 Have an adventurous, fun-filled and safe summer everyone!! 🙂 Keep on learning!!! Ms. Yang

Desperate Student
Oh just another one… 🙂

Begging Student
So this time of year students appear out of the woodwork begging for mark increases in their final grade. This is a reenactment of my active imagination. Just…. over… 2… weeks… left!!! *crawling to the finish line*

Maaaan it’s been a rough week at work. I lost all my students’ marks on the USB stick I stored them on. And nope, I did not back them up. Oh and did I mention that marks were due two days later??? HAHA! Epic FAIL!!! I think my 2 year old daughter took my USB stick…

Last Day
Happy Canada Day! A Canadian cartoon is coming right up but first, I thought I would take the opportunity to draw out what a lot of people may have already been feeling over the last few days. For me as a teacher, this moment didn’t come until June 30 @ 3:30pm. I think both students and…

End of Term
This pretty much sums up the year just before marks are due. Though, I did exaggerate just a wee bit for comedic effect.