For a caption contest at sometime in December 2018. Winners: #1 “I thought I was feeling tingly because of Christmas coming, but now I think it may be those lights aren’t grounded properly!” #2 “Can we go back to QT for some peace and quiet??!!?!!” #3 “Oh, Linda, after you finish ‘Coral of the…
Category: Published Works

Nov 30, 2018
For a caption contest at sometime in Dec 2018. Winners: #1 “Hey Mom!! … I think Dad is going to ask if he can upgrade to a bigger tank AGAIN!!” #2 “You didn’t read any of these, did you?” #3 “Dad… I think it said aquascaping… not aquastacking.”

The Province, May 29, 2016 Earlier this year when I was in Montreal, I made sure I ordered the local delicacy known as poutine. The local Quebec french accent pronounced it “poo-tan” and that’s when it struck me that it sounded so much like Putin. James Picard is a nifty local artist I met when…

Nose Job
The Province, May 22, 2016 For my young readers who may not be aware, the sciency name for ‘nose job’ is ‘rhinoplasty’. That word, in and of itself basically was loaded with a punchline which depended on me how much I wanted to play with it. The final result is based off of my husband’s suggestion, to…

Rubber Chicken
The Province, May 15, 2016 So I haven’t updated in a week! Yikes! Reason being is my Chinese money-saving instincts kicked in to high drive as I was working hard at meeting a couple of Groupon deadlines. I was determined NOT to lose out on the added monetary value as I bought a few Photobook…

Baby Powder
The Province, May 1, 2016 Often times, people will say, “Don’t take things too literally”. Well, I’m an expert at taking things literally and it’s suited me fine, thank you very much. In fact, it’s helped me produce a lot of ideas for cartoons. Take for example today’s cartoon. I was using some cornstarch-based baby…

Good Deeds
The Province, April 24, 2016 If entrance into heaven were based on our good deeds outweighing our bad deeds, then this quantifiable standard of admission would be extremely unfortunate for at least some of us.

Earth’s Crust
The Province, April 17, 2016. Have you ever spaced out when someone was jibber jabbering away at you? I presume most of my students space out when I teach math to them but this time, I was the space cowboy, err rather cowgirl. I was listening to someone talk at church (wasn’t the pastor LOL)…

Canucks’ post season game
The Province, April 10, 2016 Ever since I was a young girl, I cheered on our local hockey team, the Vancouver Canucks. My whole family did. In fact, it was inevitable in my house. My dad would always have the pre-game, game, and post-game shows blasting at all hours of the night. His mood was…

The Province, April 3, 2016 I drew this up a while ago and so it was waiting in the wings for its turn at bat. I love how the white ivory and black ebonite on a piano is referred to as keys. Taken out of context, it means something else altogether so initially this cartoon idea…

The Province, March 20, 2016. Snapchat is extremely popular with my students. I just don’t understand it. I don’t see how it’s superior to Whatsapp or good ol’ SMSing. So I thought what Snapchatting would look like with older people like me. This was the best I could come up with. Forgive me.

Inside the Box
The Province, Mar. 13, 2016. People sometimes ask me where I get my inspiration from. Sometimes my mind wanders, but often times it’s just from hanging out with people. I listen to their language and the idioms that inevitably come out. I swear, there’s such a goldmine of punchlines waiting to be discovered. Such is…

Primitive Soccer
The Province, Mar. 6, 2016. I actually drew this a couple years ago for a cartoon contest. The theme was sports and so I racked my brain a bit. I like to take something of current context and go backwards or forwards in time to see if it adds any humour. Well this one did….

The Province, Feb. 28, 2016. I grew up in Vancouver and I consider it home. But as housing prices skyrocketed, I looked deep within my pockets and found a few holes. We had to move out and buy some place elsewhere before we could no longer afford that too! Vancouver unaffordability is a hot topic…

The Province, Feb. 21, 2016. One of the hottest children’s characters recently has been the minions from Despicable Me. I was a bit late to catch on but I figured they sounded really similar to onions. How silly would it be to have them arranged like onions in a grocery store with a misunderstanding from…

First published cartoon in colour! The Province, Feb. 14, 2016. After drawing all my cartoons by hand up until this point, my husband convinced me to draw them on the computer. What powers of persuasion, eh? Well, he did convince me to marry him after all… Anyway, I’m a bit of a technophobe. I like…

Cloud 8
The Province, Feb. 7, 2016. So my initial idea was to have happy inhabitants of Cloud 9 contrasted with a foreground of somber and depressed people of Cloud 8. However, it just didn’t quite pack enough punch for me. I thought about it some more and thought, “Hey, the number 8 is lucky in Chinese….

Getting Published
I’m extremely humbled and honoured to be written up by Mr. Wayne Moriarty, Editor-in-Chief of The Province. In fact it is to him I owe the beginning of my publishing career. The Province, Jan. 31, 2016: