Just a personal comic to mark a major milestone in my husband’s career 🙂
Category: Life

Much Work
I was working on this cartoon when, ironically (or not?) before completing it, I fell asleep on my face! Self-fulfilling prophecy! LOL It’s been crazy work-wise so I won’t be able to devote as much time to my beloved passion until I get into the swing of things. Hope y’all are doing well! 🙂 Laura

PNE = Pacific National Exhibition In the last hurrah of what residual summer was left, I took the kids to the fair last week. The twins are now just about fully potty-trained and thus I spent a good chunk of time with them just lining up for the bathrooms! LOL My biggest fear is what…

Hot Day
Another heat wave is forecasted for the Greater Metro Vancouver Region. Thankfully it won’t be as hot as the last record-breaking heat of 43C (109F) in late June. I’ve always wondered if this sort of thing in today’s comic could be done… Stay hydrated and cool, folks!

This week’s gag was going to be something entirely different but as I was scrolling through my notes of punchline gags, I figured I’d better draw this one before it becomes irrelevant. When I learned there was going to be a shortage of tapioca pearls due to the Suez Canal blockage, I decided to pick…

So this literally happened with the twins…. LOL they are deathly afraid of bugs!

I’ve been meaning to draw this one for a while 🙂 Finally found some time to do it! If you’ve been around long enough or happen to be into comics, then I think you’ll get the punch line. LOL If not, then I guess you can say I’m a huge fan of puns despite it…

Extra Box
I grew up in a thrifty household where it was practically a sin not to reuse items of convenience. Plastic bags and containers, sytrofoam take-out boxes, elastic bands, tin foil trays, twist ties and even those plastic bread ties…. you name it, we had it! LOL I find that now as an adult I have…

2021 Wants
If anyone’s interested, I’ve got a 1-minute time lapse video of this on my Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/yangstercomics) that shows my process of drawing. You can see where I struggle when I draw… In the meantime, I wish you all a very healthy and happy new year in 2021!! -Laura

I think this is the first time I’ve ever drawn myself crying. lol Do you ever notice that your hair and clothes smell like Korean BBQ (KB) after eating out at a KB restaurant? Smells so delicious… I sure love me some KB!! One of my sisters has been in Korea for the last year……

I probably spent too much time trying to get the shading right. If anyone wants to know how to shade terribly, hit me up! LOL Oh gosh, I need help! :p

Fly Away
Even though it’s Julyuary on the west coast of Canada here (current temperature of 20C or 68F), the summer flies are alive and well. Though, due to cooler and wet conditions, the mosquitoes are particularly bad :s One of my pet peeves is the darned house fly, also known as the “poo fly” in our…

Tis true! I’m allergic to cats, even pretend ones! 🙂

Glorious Day
Another rejected cartoon, saved for a rainy day! 🙂 Have a fabulous week! -Laura

Waste Not, Want Not
I’ve been thinking a lot about cartoon gags around Covid-19 and this one kind of came up by surprise. Initially I thought the second panel was enough of a punchline but the strong desire not to waste food prevailed and thus it has evolved into the following. I hope you’re proud of me, Mom! 🙂…

News These Days
So basically this is how I view the news these days… it’s good to know what’s going on but man, it’s so refreshing to unplug now and then. As each day passes with more distressing reports on the front lines of the fight with Covid-19, it’s hard not to feel a bit crushed in spirit….

Mass Hysteria
Well, I initially posted this on Sunday with a little write-up. Seems a bit silly now given how dynamic this situation has become in just a few days. I hadn’t finished the cartoon because I fell asleep every night at the computer and woke up with “keyboard face” around 2 or 3am. Dangnabbit! So basically,…

Toddler Empathy
Based on a true story.

Use Your Words
This week my 5 year old daughter came home from school claiming she was punched in the face by a male classmate. Uh-oh, here we go again… dramaramarama. I listened to her and let her explain what she could but secretly I’m the first to quickly dismiss her claims. She did have noticeable darker indentation…

The Graph
I must confess… this is a late post because my originally scheduled post didn’t pass muster when I sent it to my husband and some close friends and family. The rebellious me wanted to post it in response to some of the racism that the Chinese community in Canada/USA has experienced over hyped up coronavirus…

Good Start 2020
Happy New Year! Just when I was about to draw about zits, this beautiful true story happened the other day. I was floored, flooooored I tells yas!! 🙂 The cashier was stunned at how old I really am. LOL Oh the simple pleasures in life, as we get older! Hope your holidays were full of…

Holiday Perks
Last comic of 2019!! Just a commentary on the state of my holiday food consumption…. Oi! Happy New Year!!! 🙂 Laura

Nifty Sweater
So I figured I should start drawing some Christmas cartoons but honestly, I hate forcing punchlines. I have a whole bunch of parenting-related ideas lined up, just waiting to be inked… but alas my husband’s obsession with all-things leading-edge technology reared its ugly head! lol see what I did there? :p Anyway, working in the…

Not Ready
For this week I had 3 different ideas swirling around in my head on which I should ink. One was a continuation of last week’s punchline, another potentially about the neediness of jetlaggy young twins since coming back from our trip but ultimately, this one won out because of its timeliness. It wouldn’t be as…

Haunted Car
Of all the comics I could have drawn, I decided to go with this one that freshly popped up in my mind this morning. I shall not reveal how it came about, lol though you can probably guess. Due to time constraints, I was inspired to simplify my drawings so I decided to emulate a…

Old and Fat
This is the reason I don’t like looking in the mirror… I want to deny the reality that I am no longer young and fit… that my body no longer repairs itself as fast as it once did. The aches, the pains, the stretch marks and cellulite I suppose are a badge to motherhood, or…

I… I…
We were fortunate enough to be able to travel sans 1 y old twins to Europe a couple of weeks ago (Mucho thanks to my parents and sister). First stop was Berlin for 4 very short nights to attend my friend’s beautiful wedding and then 5 nights in Scotland where we visited “Grandma” Jessie, a…

1 Year Olds!!
Well, today marks the 1 year anniversary from whence these twinkies entered the world. Life is a blur as everyday truly is survival. That old age cliche is true, the days are long but the years are short! And just a disclaimer, no, we do not let our children climb on counters to knock vases…

Did I do good?
Soooooooo this is loosely based on a true story. :p

Second Opinion
Literally, a true story… every day!! Hahaha Though, it’s hilarious and cute when one of the babies toot. Unlike non-babies…. LOL Happy Father’s Day!!

Sleeping Poorly
I wake up 2 or 3 times a night per twin… why can’t I sleep train them?!! Maybe I’ve become so feeble-hearted in my old age. Lately the twins have sprouted some little nuggets of teeth so the past few days have been particularly whiney and painful for them. Lots of extra hugs and cuddles…

Feeding Solids
The twins are 10 months old now and have been on solids for half their life! I’ve been waiting for the inevitable jagged edges of baby teeth cutting through their gums as my oldest had her first tooth appear at 7 months. Finally, fiiiiinally my girl just cut her first tooth. The boy is still…

Mommy Superpowers
I got carried away with this one. I just wanted to pay a nice tribute to all the overworked and often underappreciated moms out there. Raising children is the hardest but most important thing I’ve ever had to endure, especially when they come at you with sass they’ve inherited! Ugh!! They force me to be…

Needing a Break
I am naturally a pretty high energy person, even before kids. The aroma of coffee never did anything for me until my pregnancy with the twins. It was almost like I wanted so badly what I was now not able to drink so much of. I indulged maybe once a week, maximum one cup per…

Directions Needed
Happy Belated Valentine’s Day! I actually drew up a black and white NYer style Valentine’s Day cartoon before I left for Mexico but alas VDay didn’t fall on a Friday! :p We just got back yesterday and I haven’t drawn the entire time. I never felt so lazy in my life!! I have a bunch…

Maybe Melanoma
The regular scheduled program is on a break and so I’ve decided to post a cartoon I dug up in my archives that hasn’t yet been published. It’s somewhat fitting too as it gives a clue into my whereabouts! Stay warm folks!

Fussy Eater
This is art imitating life. My formerly easy going child who ate everything has become this opinionated picky eater. This conversation literally happened exactly as is, minus the Frenchy bits. Anyone else have kids who are picky eaters??

Bird Box Inception
Sooooooo I initially started a parenting cartoon on how tired I feel but then I got to thinking about the movie that’s currently sweeping the globe (apparently) on Netflix. I am the biggest chicken when it comes to the genre of horror even though this movie was more of a thriller. I could only watch…

Postpartum Weight
So I’ve been experimenting with different comic formats. Most of my readers view my comics on cell phones so in an effort not to spoil the punchline too soon (this is extremely important to me), I’ve used the “vertical scroll” format. It is a lot easier just doing a simple “square” format that fits nicely…

I once read an article on useful German words that the English language could probably adopt. One such word is Ohrwurm, or earworm. Fluentu.com describes it this way: Have you ever listened to a song on the radio while driving to work only to find yourself still humming the same tune by lunch time? Congratulations, you’ve had…

Good Sleep?
These days sleep is very scant. Even when the twins are asleep at the same time, I should be too! I just find myself drawn (pardon the pun LOL) to making the most of the day, alas here I am at 2:16am in the morning. I can’t rest until it’s done! X__X

What’s Wrong?!
As I watch myself go through the check list of a crying baby: Diaper clean? Check. Baby fed? Check. Baby burped? Check. Baby gassy? Check. Baby tired? Check. Baby warm enough? Check. I realized, what if there’s something causing the crying that ISN’T part of the checklist? And then, I imagined what it could be…

Awww Baby!
So this was the cartoon I had on the back burner last week so that I could ink this cartoon. I don’t really have any further comments except to say #truth.

Initially I had a parenting punchline figured out for this week but then my daughter mispronounced something that instantly inspired me. The storyboard sequence in my head came pretty naturally so I just had to ink it! The tricky part was finding time between keeping a preschooler and newborn twins alive, commenting on every funny…

Baby Burp
Yep, so…. speaking from experience, the Mommy Brain thing is verrrrrrry real. Thought of this cartoon while I was hallucinating from lack of sleep. Or maybe, I wasn’t hallucinating? HAHA! I guess I’ll never know, or will I?? *sigh*

Sleep Training
The book is titled “Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Twins” (by Marc Weissbluth, M.D.)

Old Faithful
So I’ve been a bit busy… Two weeks ago I gave birth to twins and have lived the hermit lifestyle since. I am dying to ink all the ideas that have inevitably come out of this special sleep-deprived time (isn’t that how Salvador Dali got a lot of his ideas, while in a state of…

Walk Faster
This is how I walk now, no kidding. I can’t wait to get my body back… ughhhhhhhhhh.

Mewey on Marriage
Ok last post of my folks! 🙂 No embellishment needed for this cartoon, ’tis true! 🙂

Mewey on The 5 Love Languages
Based on the book by Dr. Gary Chapman (a highly recommended read), my dad offers a 6th Love Language. It’s to be noted that my folks are foodies that even their memories’ frame of reference is marked by the food served. They cook tasty meals for church functions (mostly from scratch) and watch Korean shows…

Mewey on Saving Money
So my folks are very price-conscience. Maybe it has to do with humble beginnings… maybe it has to do with the Chinese culture… or both! In any event, my mom is an expert bargain hunter so naturally I had to draw something that conveyed this message. 🙂 Hope you like it!

Mewey on Raising Daughters
My dad was always outnumbered growing up. Under one roof he had to share his castle with Mom, 4 daughters and 2 female dogs… 🙂 In retrospect, I’m grateful to him because he always taught us to be independent and self-sufficient women. I always joke that since he had no sons, he compensated by raising…

Mewey on Having Sons
So back in June, I along with my 3 sisters planned a 40th anniversary celebration for our folks. My mom’s name is May, and my dad’s name is Dewey, hence the name Mewey 🙂 I drew up a few cartoons summarizing life with them which I’ll slowly leak out over the next few days. I…

49 Percent
Ohhhhhhhh just a lil therapy this time of year 🙂

Marking Tests
Can any of my students guess who? 🙂

Heghan Wedding
Congrats on your nuptials Heghan! 🙂

Earth Day
Today is Earth Day! I was meaning to draw this up last year but simply ran out of time. This year, I barely squeaked it in! 23 minutes past 12am! Anyway, Happy Earth Day!! 🙂

Can’t Win
*sigh* As a soft math teacher, the struggle is real.

Scrolling through my archive of ideas, I happened on this quickie… posting this from the U S of A (Spring Break!!!).

Where’s Jon?
Oh just a little pet peeve of mine :p

The Pants Test
Well this pretty much sums up the current mood.

Holiday Eating
Well if your Christmas holidays have been anything like mine, it’s full of feast and family. It’s practically non-stop eating!!!!

Rainy Day?
In trying to keep up my weekly quota of a whopping ONE cartoon, here’s the latest. Too bad it doesn’t coincide with a rainy day… just happens to be snowy. Urgh…

Rapunzel Problems
Oh just a cartoon I drew in the summer saved for such a (busy) time as this.

Thanksgiving 2017
So I’m just not with it enough to crank out a cartoon a day for #inktober. I didn’t even know there were themes to abide by! Whoops! I guess I’ll just keep with the regularly scheduled program… It’s Thanksgiving in Canada today… I’m very thankful for God, good health, supportive family and awesome friends! 🙂…

How Toddlers Eat
Anyone who has contact with a toddler during mealtime knows my pain… at least my child and my friends with kids seem to eat at the same rate. I wonder if they all band together and conspire to test their parents’ patience one painfully slow bite at a time.

Login Password
Well I managed to fall asleep what, 3 times while drawing this cartoon on 3 different evenings. I’m happy to say I finally completed it! 🙂 After not teaching for 2 months in the summer, I came back to work on the first day with this problem. I had completely forgotten my passwords and thus,…

Vancouver Weather
Well, we’ve had a very hot and dry summer in Vancouver the past two months with temperatures reaching 34C (in land) which unfortunately has resulted in an unprecedented wildfire season. Then BAM! Rainfall!!! And the temperature drops 10C. And if there’s anything I’ve learned, us Vancouverites (and surrounding regions) love to complain about the weather. Or maybe…

Back 2 School
Commemorating the end of summer holidays of freedom, relaxation and late night sleeps to even later morning, er… afternoon wake-ups transitioning into regimented school schedules and the demanding work that ensues, I present you…. Good luck to all staff and students going back!! 🙂

Wrong Feet
So sometimes my mind just wanders…

Canada 150
Happy 150th Birthday, Canada!!! 🙂

Doug Savage
So on May 20-21, 2017 I attended the 5th annual Vancouver Comics Arts Festival (VanCAF) where I met the creator of Savage Chickens, Doug Savage. His name immediately brings musings of whether he’s related to Fred or if he is indeed as his surname implies. Well, I can safely say after having met him, he…

Hurry Up
I truly believe that one of life’s greatest pleasures is to watch children (and people) grow and mature. This is why I’m a teacher… I love the payoff of watching students learn and better themselves over the years. There’s nothing like witnessing and maybe contributing to human progress before your very eyes. I have a Taiwanese…

*sigh* I have a love-hate relationship with Facebook. Can’t live with it, can’t live without it. GrrrRrRrRrrrr…

It’s been a while since I last posted. Hooboy! It’s 4am and I’m not asleep yet so what better way to  end off the night/start the day off by drawing about it? 🙂 Anyway, hope you enjoy. It’s sure nice to draw again 🙂 Laura

Dodgy Part of Town
It’s been a busy couple of weeks both personally and professionally so I apologize for the absence. If it were solely up to me, I’d be pumping out cartoons daily! Anyway, I was walking down the hall at work yesterday when I saw a group of male teenagers standing in a circle emanating posture that…

Haircut 4
Once when I was a child aspiring to be a cartoonist, I received some good advice from an industry-insider. Namely, to stretch out my cartoons by having a running story line in the background that extends beyond the gag. Well, I’m now starting to do that as I gain inspiration from my haircut. Let’s see how…

Happy Birthday Jane
There is a woman. Her name is Jane. Among her many attributes, she is kind, generous and brilliant. I first met Jane at a meetup group on August 8, 2015 A.K.A. International Bubble Tea day. I couldn’t resist attending as they were giving away FREE bubble tea, which absolutely satisfies my Chinese love language of…

Zombie Valentines
*Sigh* Just found out I was rejected again to something I applied for cartooning-related. It’s not easy being cheesy. Oops, I mean it’s not easy doing this cartooning thing. For those not in the know, it is a fiercely competitive profession. FIERCELY!! There is a LOT of amazing talent out there, some have yet to…

Haircut 1
So I’m pretty much the Ponytail Queen… Low-key and low maintenance. I don’t like hair on my face and it’s quick and easy just to tie the mane back. Plus it’s easier to play sports in… though lately that hasn’t been an issue. ha… *sigh* I believe how we wear our hair is a manifestation…

Slug Casualty
Just when Metro Vancouver thought the worst snow storm was over, WHAM!! We’re pelted with another wave of snow which is quite unusual in our mild climate. I initially put this idea on the back burner for next winter but lo and behold, I didn’t have to wait too long. If you fail to shovel…

Serious Leak
I’ve been meaning to ink this one for a while. Finally had a couple hours to myself. 🙂 My new haircut makes a cameo. haha

Chinese New Year
Well, not sure if y’all are awares but, today is Chinese New Year (though celebrated by Vietnamese, Koreans et al). It’s sort of like the Christmas of China. When I lived in Taiwan, you’d get a week off of work. Businesses were closed. People would migrate to their home town and spend lots of time…