I know it’s been a while since I last posted… life has been busy with 4 littles, teaching and my Master’s. However, I’m glad I got a couple of hours to myself to ink this! My first Y+Y cartoon of 2024! Eek! Happy Mother’s Day!!
Category: Holidays

Day Off
Happy Mother’s Day!! 🙂

Christmas 2020
True story. LOL I couldn’t resist! I always start off by saying no gifts but then find something I couldn’t resist and end up getting something for him. 🙂 I think I just look forward to the reaction more than anything! 😀 With covid limiting our interactions this year, may your Christmas be a simple,…

Chinese New Year
This cartoon took me a bit longer than normal to complete because… I’ve been obsessing over the coronavirus that’s currently got a portion of China in lockdown! The stuff ya hear, read, watch on Chinese social media through personal contacts or otherwise paints a far graver picture than what is currently being reported in official…

Holiday Perks
Last comic of 2019!! Just a commentary on the state of my holiday food consumption…. Oi! Happy New Year!!! 🙂 Laura

Live Gifts
Well, sorry for the late post… Seeing that today IS my birthday, I figured I could get away with a groaner of a punchline. LOL Merry Christmas Eve, Everyone! -Laura

Nifty Sweater
So I figured I should start drawing some Christmas cartoons but honestly, I hate forcing punchlines. I have a whole bunch of parenting-related ideas lined up, just waiting to be inked… but alas my husband’s obsession with all-things leading-edge technology reared its ugly head! lol see what I did there? :p Anyway, working in the…

Not Ready
For this week I had 3 different ideas swirling around in my head on which I should ink. One was a continuation of last week’s punchline, another potentially about the neediness of jetlaggy young twins since coming back from our trip but ultimately, this one won out because of its timeliness. It wouldn’t be as…

Second Opinion
Literally, a true story… every day!! Hahaha Though, it’s hilarious and cute when one of the babies toot. Unlike non-babies…. LOL Happy Father’s Day!!

Mommy Superpowers
I got carried away with this one. I just wanted to pay a nice tribute to all the overworked and often underappreciated moms out there. Raising children is the hardest but most important thing I’ve ever had to endure, especially when they come at you with sass they’ve inherited! Ugh!! They force me to be…

Gourd Friday
On this Good Friday, I think this might be my most ‘Dad Joke’ of a cartoon to date. Lord, forgive me! -Laura

Dec 15, 2018
For a caption contest at www.reef2reef.com sometime in December 2018. Winners: #1 “I thought I was feeling tingly because of Christmas coming, but now I think it may be those lights aren’t grounded properly!” #2 “Can we go back to QT for some peace and quiet??!!?!!” #3 “Oh, Linda, after you finish ‘Coral of the…

Baby Translator
Well, as 2018 wraps up I just wanted to thank all of you for supporting my cartoons simply by viewing them, sharing them, liking my facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/yangstercomics/ – please like if you haven’t already :D) and commenting online or in person to let me know that you do enjoy them. The last few weeks…

Body Builder
Happy Mother’s Day 2018! 🙂

The Pants Test
Well this pretty much sums up the current mood.

Holiday Eating
Well if your Christmas holidays have been anything like mine, it’s full of feast and family. It’s practically non-stop eating!!!!

Christmas 2017
May your Christmas be simple, peaceful, inclusive and full of humility as it was that first Christmas.

Lest We Forget
Thank you to those who have bravely served, past and present. <3

Halloween 2017
I was waiting for rainier weather to post a cartoon I had drawn up on the topic but it’s been gorgeous out ever since! Guess I’ll have to save it for a rainy day. *Hyuk hyuk* Anyway, I decided to draw a Halloween cartoon instead. Boy sure feels good to draw again.

Thanksgiving 2017
So I’m just not with it enough to crank out a cartoon a day for #inktober. I didn’t even know there were themes to abide by! Whoops! I guess I’ll just keep with the regularly scheduled program… It’s Thanksgiving in Canada today… I’m very thankful for God, good health, supportive family and awesome friends! 🙂…

Canada 150
Happy 150th Birthday, Canada!!! 🙂

Zombie Valentines
*Sigh* Just found out I was rejected again to something I applied for cartooning-related. It’s not easy being cheesy. Oops, I mean it’s not easy doing this cartooning thing. For those not in the know, it is a fiercely competitive profession. FIERCELY!! There is a LOT of amazing talent out there, some have yet to…

Chinese New Year
Well, not sure if y’all are awares but, today is Chinese New Year (though celebrated by Vietnamese, Koreans et al). It’s sort of like the Christmas of China. When I lived in Taiwan, you’d get a week off of work. Businesses were closed. People would migrate to their home town and spend lots of time…

Christmas Decorations
Not much to say except this may have been inspired by true events. 🙂

An Angel’s Wings
One day I had a thought… something about an angel getting its wings when a bell rings. I promptly googled that up and here’s what I discovered: The classic 1946 movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” is featured during Christmas every year. In it, a young girl named Zuzu Bailey says “Every time a bell rings an…

New Year 2017
I’ve been so caught up drawing Christmas cartoons I completely forgot to think about a New Year’s one. Now normally, I just let ideas come to me as I experience life since I don’t like forcing punchlines but for the sake of a New Year’s cartoon, I sort of forced it. Ha. First cartoon of…

Frozen Toys
Another oldie. With the monster success this mega blockbuster movie has enjoyed coupled with its title, it was just a matter of time before this corny cartoonist struck again. 🙂 Dedicated to all you cool dads.

Baby Jesus’ Birthday
Happy Belated Birthday, Baby Jesus! Got the idea from a cartoon I’ve seen before of an old man whose shadow depicted his younger self as a soldier. Pretty cool, I say! My drawing foreshadows (pardon the pun) what is to come for Baby Jesus.

The Unwise Man
This is another TBT cartoon inked a year ago but upgraded to colour digitally. Got the idea from just letting the thought of the 3 wise men ruminate in my head for a few days. I was initially thinking of how at potlucks there’s always that one who brings the cheapest item and at modern…

Last Christmas Song
So this time last year I was churning out a cartoon a day, black ink on white paper. I’m now in the process of upgrading them digitally so that they’re in COLOUR. That seems to be the preference amongst my peoples… so please excuse these *reruns*. By the way, “StrongStart is a FREE early learning drop-in…

Naughty Kid
Well, with only a few more sleeps to Christmas I’d better get cracking on my Christmas cartoons! Here’s the latest from yours truly. Also, it happens to be my older sister’s birthday! Happy Birthday, Sarah! As for the cartoon’s inspiration, my sister DOES happen to have a large mop of hair… lol jk. L

Lest We Forget
To all those involved with the military past, present and future…. Thank you for your service. We are extremely blessed to live in such a country as Canada.

Happy Halloween
I hate mosquitoes. ‘Nuff said.

I went to the zoo a few weeks ago and I must say, that is a great place to get inspiration for cartoons! It was precisely there that I saw the turkey vulture. The name was intriguing to me so I took note of it and stored it for later use. So when Canadian Thanksgiving…

French Canadian
Happy Canada Day!! This was originally drawn months ago when I still drew everything by hand, with paper and ink. Nowadays I’ve become quite accustomed to drawing exclusively on the computer. Anyway, I just wanted to salute my home country – the land of the free (and free health care)!

The Province, May 8, 2016 Happy (Canadian) Mother’s Day, eh! Why Canadian? Only because I’ve drawn 5 references specific to Canadians. See if you can spot them all! 🙂

Fishers of Men
Jesus famously said in Matthew 4:19 and Mark 1:17 “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (ESV). IÂ wondered what this looked like if taken from the viewpoint of carnivorous sharks. This is an older cartoon but upon my husband’s suggestion, I did update it to reflect a newer, more polished appearance in…

Good Deeds
The Province, April 24, 2016 If entrance into heaven were based on our good deeds outweighing our bad deeds, then this quantifiable standard of admission would be extremely unfortunate for at least some of us.

Fish Market
So I’m not sure if everyone is familiar with the process of my going into publication. Allow me to explain… Every week I submit 2 comics I’ve drawn to my editor. He, along with his panel of judges, choose one to publish. Or, maybe none. Or maybe both. If I didn’t tickle their funny bone…

Eglise de
For Spring Break I, along with my husband and daughter, spent two weeks with my sister in Ottawa. She took us on a mini road trip to Montreal, Quebec where I hadn’t been inundated with French since maybe 15 years ago. My rusty high school French came back and I must have seen “Chine” somewhere…

Follow Me
The Province, March 27, 2016 Social media is a funny thing. And by funny I meant prior to my comics becoming more serious, I hadn’t ventured onto Twitter or Instagram. I hear there’s also Pinterest, Google, Tumblr, Snapchat etc. Call me an Old Fart but I almost exclusively use Facebook and Whatsapp. For the longest…

It was Easter and as a Christian, I was contemplating the cross. I thought about the cross and it standing up. Then my thought process went as follows: – What if it fell over? – What if it crushed something? – What if it crushed someone? And so it was… and of course I had…