So I already had a punchline figured out but before I finished the last frame when my husband stumbled over and suggested a couple of alternate endings that weren’t half bad! It got me thinking, maybe I should open it up to the audience to pitch their ideas! And so I did… people suggested some…
Category: Health

Don’t ask me how I know… :p

They say the eyes are a window into the soul… and even more so when wearing a mask! I found out that breathing in recycled air intensifies halitosis and it was my husband that figured out eating a breath mint while wearing a mask was prudent. Genius! Lol

Flattening the Curve
Hooraaay… we survived another week…. *sigh*

Social Distancing
Since work has dried up, i’ve had more time these days to draw some cartoons but I’m not really feeling it. (This cartoon posted was drawn 2 weeks ago.) Trying to stay afloat (LOL) I guess in the mental health department. My latest obsession is learning as much Chinese as I can via books, articles,…

Waste Not, Want Not
I’ve been thinking a lot about cartoon gags around Covid-19 and this one kind of came up by surprise. Initially I thought the second panel was enough of a punchline but the strong desire not to waste food prevailed and thus it has evolved into the following. I hope you’re proud of me, Mom! 🙂…

News These Days
So basically this is how I view the news these days… it’s good to know what’s going on but man, it’s so refreshing to unplug now and then. As each day passes with more distressing reports on the front lines of the fight with Covid-19, it’s hard not to feel a bit crushed in spirit….

Mass Hysteria
Well, I initially posted this on Sunday with a little write-up. Seems a bit silly now given how dynamic this situation has become in just a few days. I hadn’t finished the cartoon because I fell asleep every night at the computer and woke up with “keyboard face” around 2 or 3am. Dangnabbit! So basically,…

Coronavirus Racism
Sooooooooooo this was the cartoon I held back from posting last week! LOL As a Chinese-born Canadian who has experienced racism growing up, I think as a people group we’re expected to perpetually tolerate it and turn the other cheek. Well, sometimes, just sometimes, I can’t… I’m human and I want to stand up for…

The Graph
I must confess… this is a late post because my originally scheduled post didn’t pass muster when I sent it to my husband and some close friends and family. The rebellious me wanted to post it in response to some of the racism that the Chinese community in Canada/USA has experienced over hyped up coronavirus…

Holiday Perks
Last comic of 2019!! Just a commentary on the state of my holiday food consumption…. Oi! Happy New Year!!! 🙂 Laura

Hand Hygiene
I am very militant about hand hygiene (thus these scaly dry hands of mine) and my twin girl is very flexible… and boom! A cartoon is born! 🙂 I think the hardest thing in creating this cartoon was getting the colours “right”. I always want my cartoons to be colourful but there can’t be too…

Sliding Standards
Welps, confession time! Lol

Maybe Melanoma
The regular scheduled program is on a break and so I’ve decided to post a cartoon I dug up in my archives that hasn’t yet been published. It’s somewhat fitting too as it gives a clue into my whereabouts! Stay warm folks!

Baaad Pun
Perhaps a bit of an inside joke for only those who are lucky enough to know this brilliant and sassy doctor! 🙂

Dr. Dena
When art imitates life 🙂 Best OBGYN ever!!! 🙂

It’s Snot
So we all came back from San Diego a little bit plugged up and under the weather. In particular, my daughter had this persistent train of snot that would just peer out from time to time only to be slurped back inside. Only after a sneeze would its gargantuan size be fully revealed. Anyway, I…

Happy Birthday Jane
There is a woman. Her name is Jane. Among her many attributes, she is kind, generous and brilliant. I first met Jane at a meetup group on August 8, 2015 A.K.A. International Bubble Tea day. I couldn’t resist attending as they were giving away FREE bubble tea, which absolutely satisfies my Chinese love language of…

New Year 2017
I’ve been so caught up drawing Christmas cartoons I completely forgot to think about a New Year’s one. Now normally, I just let ideas come to me as I experience life since I don’t like forcing punchlines but for the sake of a New Year’s cartoon, I sort of forced it. Ha. First cartoon of…

Young Pediatrician
Alright, time to flush out some cartoons drawn a while back. Here’s a nice cornball cartoon for ya! 🙂 Inspiration just came from my succinct definition of ‘pediatrician’.

Lest We Forget
To all those involved with the military past, present and future…. Thank you for your service. We are extremely blessed to live in such a country as Canada.

I went to the zoo a few weeks ago and I must say, that is a great place to get inspiration for cartoons! It was precisely there that I saw the turkey vulture. The name was intriguing to me so I took note of it and stored it for later use. So when Canadian Thanksgiving…

Free Entree
Ever wondered the same? There’s a joke that goes something like this: There once was an old couple. The wife would always screen her husband’s intake of foods to ensure proper nutrition and weight. She had him on healthy foods (whole wheat, gluten-free, low carb, high greens etc type diet). If it were up to him,…

Massage therapy Oh how i love thee And with more intensity My body reaches harmony Ugh, it’s late so I know my rhymes ain’t that great. :p

Corn Problems
Popcorn. I loooooooooove popcorn. Especially drizzled with real fatty butter. Mmmmmmmmm. I had some the other day when dear old hubby and I went out to watch the movie Jungle Book (great movie BTW). They’re insanely expensive but oh-so-delicious. It’s the ONE time in a blue moon I let my (Chinese money saving instincts) self…

French Canadian
Happy Canada Day!! This was originally drawn months ago when I still drew everything by hand, with paper and ink. Nowadays I’ve become quite accustomed to drawing exclusively on the computer. Anyway, I just wanted to salute my home country – the land of the free (and free health care)!

In Moderation
So it looks like I’ll be slowing down the cartoon posts as the term winds down amidst a flurry of marking, report cards and year-end wrap up duties. I’ve also been enlisted to work on a couple illustrating projects on the side as I continue to work on a different cartooning style. This cartoon is just…

I’ve never had allergies that bad. Until now. I have woken up with my eyes all puffy as though I had cried all night simply due to all the eye rubbing I do, caused by all the itchiness. This prompted the inspiration for this simple cartoon that was purposely drawn with a digital pencil.

Big Sneeze
As my allergies kick into high gear, I often feel as though I’ve sneezed an earth-shattering sneeze that my brain is sure to come flying out. I know, that means I must have a small brain… but size doesn’t matter, does it?

A few months back I was talking to a massage therapist. I’m a pretty curious person so I like to ask questions and the opinions of others. We broached the topic of acupuncture. She told me that there’s a pressure point in the ear that’s supposed to be really effective in eliminating migraines. Naturally, I…

Nose Job
The Province, May 22, 2016 For my young readers who may not be aware, the sciency name for ‘nose job’ is ‘rhinoplasty’. That word, in and of itself basically was loaded with a punchline which depended on me how much I wanted to play with it. The final result is based off of my husband’s suggestion, to…