Category: Let’s Learn English

Similar Words
Initially this was a 6 panel cartooned with an additional “mastopexy” frame but my husband thought it interrupted the flow of the punchline so, alas, I tossed it aside. *sigh* I thought it was a funny illustration too. LOL Here’s my attempt at a current event my husband had to explain to me a few…

Uncertain Times
So I was talking to a friend and basically while discussing plans during these COVID times to be “up in the air”, the thought of my husband’s career flashed in my mind. Here’s a cartoon from a few years ago just to refresh your memory. ( Once upon a time, he was on the 777…

Chinese New Year
This cartoon took me a bit longer than normal to complete because… I’ve been obsessing over the coronavirus that’s currently got a portion of China in lockdown! The stuff ya hear, read, watch on Chinese social media through personal contacts or otherwise paints a far graver picture than what is currently being reported in official…

Directions Needed
Happy Belated Valentine’s Day! I actually drew up a black and white NYer style Valentine’s Day cartoon before I left for Mexico but alas VDay didn’t fall on a Friday! :p We just got back yesterday and I haven’t drawn the entire time. I never felt so lazy in my life!! I have a bunch…

Cry Cry Cry
Soooooo this parenting business can be rough. My first daughter was a relatively easy baby, sleeping 12h and napping twice a day by about 3 months. Oh and she ate like a champ. Bolstered with confidence as new parents, we’ll have more kids, we said. Twins. Are. A. Whole. Different. Ballgame. I’ve been bouncing back…

More Bosom
True story. Not the punchline, but the thought that occurred to me. I love cuddling these little helpless human beings. They have no choice but to rest in my chest. Problem is, I only have one chest. One baby per chest is what I figure to be most comfortable. So OF COURSE, greedy lil ol’…

Don’t Shoot
One of my friends is a very talented photographer and an amazing mother of two. We have a lot to laugh about when we’re together so it’s no surprise that she supplies me with good cartoon fodder. She is a strong and independent woman through and through even when Life hands her lemons — she…

Rainy Day?
In trying to keep up my weekly quota of a whopping ONE cartoon, here’s the latest. Too bad it doesn’t coincide with a rainy day… just happens to be snowy. Urgh…