This week’s gag was going to be something entirely different but as I was scrolling through my notes of punchline gags, I figured I’d better draw this one before it becomes irrelevant. When I learned there was going to be a shortage of tapioca pearls due to the Suez Canal blockage, I decided to pick…
Category: Chinese Stereotypes

Extra Box
I grew up in a thrifty household where it was practically a sin not to reuse items of convenience. Plastic bags and containers, sytrofoam take-out boxes, elastic bands, tin foil trays, twist ties and even those plastic bread ties…. you name it, we had it! LOL I find that now as an adult I have…

They say the eyes are a window into the soul… and even more so when wearing a mask! I found out that breathing in recycled air intensifies halitosis and it was my husband that figured out eating a breath mint while wearing a mask was prudent. Genius! Lol

Money Saved
It’s all a matter of perspective, right? LOL

Coronavirus Racism
Sooooooooooo this was the cartoon I held back from posting last week! LOL As a Chinese-born Canadian who has experienced racism growing up, I think as a people group we’re expected to perpetually tolerate it and turn the other cheek. Well, sometimes, just sometimes, I can’t… I’m human and I want to stand up for…

Flowers for Mom
When we go for walks, my daughter has learned to smell the roses and daisies, and tulips and rhododendrons and… that’s the extent of my knowledge of flowers. The point is, she notices flowers…. Every. Last. One. She knows not to pluck them but to enjoy them with her eyes. However, the little loose weedy…

Mewey on Saving Money
So my folks are very price-conscience. Maybe it has to do with humble beginnings… maybe it has to do with the Chinese culture… or both! In any event, my mom is an expert bargain hunter so naturally I had to draw something that conveyed this message. 🙂 Hope you like it!

It struck me one day as I was hanging out my clothes to dry… a neighbour remarked that I was “so Chinese”. Haha! Yes, why waste money by throwing money into the dryer, literally? Hanging laundry up to dry was a part of my childhood. My mom would hang them on the line outside. Who…

Dim Sum
My favourite foods generally involve tasty meat enclosed in some form of delectable carbs such as the bun, wrapper, pastry, bread etc. In fact, to maintain consistency throughout, the Chinesy “Yin + Yangster” font that appears at the top of this website is called the “wonton font”. How’s THAT for dedication, huh? *wink wink* In…

Chinese Artist
Based on a true story. When I was in grade 11, my electronic desktop publishing teacher Mr. Ireland asked me what I would be studying in post-secondary. I told him I’d be studying sciences. He asked me why I wouldn’t be pursuing something more art-related and I simply replied, “Because my parents are Chinese”. Tis…