On this Good Friday, I think this might be my most ‘Dad Joke’ of a cartoon to date. Lord, forgive me! -Laura
Category: Christianity

Christmas 2017
May your Christmas be simple, peaceful, inclusive and full of humility as it was that first Christmas.

Baby Jesus’ Birthday
Happy Belated Birthday, Baby Jesus! Got the idea from a cartoon I’ve seen before of an old man whose shadow depicted his younger self as a soldier. Pretty cool, I say! My drawing foreshadows (pardon the pun) what is to come for Baby Jesus.

The Unwise Man
This is another TBT cartoon inked a year ago but upgraded to colour digitally. Got the idea from just letting the thought of the 3 wise men ruminate in my head for a few days. I was initially thinking of how at potlucks there’s always that one who brings the cheapest item and at modern…

God’s Steak
I must admit, I’m a major cheese ball. Sometimes when I’m marking students’ math tests, I write little comments or draw little pictures on them to entertain myself a bit. For example, if a student blows me away by demonstrating exceptionally well-written, abstract but coherent math reasoning, I would write “Just like how I like…