I’ve been making ice cream for the summer and yes, tis true… this is what makes good ice cream! 🙂
Category: Animals

Click Clack
I dedicate this one to all the people I work with who wear heels 🙂 Teehee! ^_^

Noisy Break
True story… this amazing ob-gyn is also a goat enthusiast 🙂 Happy early early Birthday Dr. D! 🙂 xoxo Laura

Tis true! I’m allergic to cats, even pretend ones! 🙂

Live Gifts
Well, sorry for the late post… Seeing that today IS my birthday, I figured I could get away with a groaner of a punchline. LOL Merry Christmas Eve, Everyone! -Laura

Banana Gary
So I drew this up a couple of days ago in YYZ waiting for the next plane out to where I am now! I’m here for a wedding and so I don’t have much time to spend on a cartoon, plus jet lag is real. A bit sleepy as I type this. Anyway, this might…

The twins are squirming a lot these days. Changing diapers requires a distracting toy to keep them from rolling around. My husband calls them squirmy wormies so naturally it got me thinking… I initially story boarded this in my head with 3 panels of a squirmy wormy all the same size but as I sketched…

Bamboo Flavour
Being a mom is exhausting. As such, cleaning house is a lowwww priority, with the exception of the kitchen. Consequently, dust bunnies run rampant in our main living spaces. This is why I need to have friends over. Only then will I make an effort to clean up a bit! Haha, otherwise, dust bunnies be…

Baby vs Dog
Anyone else have a very drooly baby? I’ve been meaning to ink this one for a while ever since one of the twins started drooling like mad! I thought I’d also coincide it with the first time the dog is introduced! Still not sure yet what to name her on Yin + Yangster. My dog…

This is always what comes to mind when my twins are in ‘tummy time’. For those unaware, it’s the time you place baby on their tummies to strengthen their neck muscles until they can roll over. My boy especially, he’d basically flail out vigorously, but in place. Is it mean that I find it funny?

Maybe Melanoma
The regular scheduled program is on a break and so I’ve decided to post a cartoon I dug up in my archives that hasn’t yet been published. It’s somewhat fitting too as it gives a clue into my whereabouts! Stay warm folks!

Dec 15, 2018
For a caption contest at www.reef2reef.com sometime in December 2018. Winners: #1 “I thought I was feeling tingly because of Christmas coming, but now I think it may be those lights aren’t grounded properly!” #2 “Can we go back to QT for some peace and quiet??!!?!!” #3 “Oh, Linda, after you finish ‘Coral of the…

Walk Faster
This is how I walk now, no kidding. I can’t wait to get my body back… ughhhhhhhhhh.

Baaad Pun
Perhaps a bit of an inside joke for only those who are lucky enough to know this brilliant and sassy doctor! 🙂

Swollen Members
So I’ve got a series of pregnancy cartoons I’d like to ink but I wanted to do them chronologically to sort of journal the entire process. Today, I felt I had to post something that was relevant to my current status so alas, here we are! 🙂 It’s been a pretty stressful week with a…

Earth Day
Today is Earth Day! I was meaning to draw this up last year but simply ran out of time. This year, I barely squeaked it in! 23 minutes past 12am! Anyway, Happy Earth Day!! 🙂

Challenge Accepted!
So somehow I wandered onto some articles and educational videos about narwhals. My, I have to say, what fascinating creatures! I learned that their tusk is really just a protruding canine tooth. Their swirly tusk is incredibly flexible and sensitive and is generally only found in males. They swim really slowly (apparently slower than manatees)…

Thanksgiving 2017
So I’m just not with it enough to crank out a cartoon a day for #inktober. I didn’t even know there were themes to abide by! Whoops! I guess I’ll just keep with the regularly scheduled program… It’s Thanksgiving in Canada today… I’m very thankful for God, good health, supportive family and awesome friends! 🙂…

Doug Savage
So on May 20-21, 2017 I attended the 5th annual Vancouver Comics Arts Festival (VanCAF) where I met the creator of Savage Chickens, Doug Savage. His name immediately brings musings of whether he’s related to Fred or if he is indeed as his surname implies. Well, I can safely say after having met him, he…

Runaway Meatball
So we’ve got a little Toy Fox Terrier dog named Pocket. Her fur is white with black spots. And you know how irksome it is to have a spaghetti stain splatter on a crisp new white blouse or shirt? Well, once I let her lick some spaghetti sauce and OH MAN she got some on…

Competitive Elephants
When I was in Taipei last month, I visited the zoo. They’ve got quite a zoo by the way, and as I’ve said before, going to the zoo is a great place for me to get inspired. So many species, so many weird names, and all in Chinese! The caption at the bottom says “male…

Zebra Crossing
Searching through my archives, I found this unpublished piece. In Chinese, the word(s) for crosswalk is “斑馬線” which literally translates to “zebra route/line”. It didn’t take much for me to get inspired 🙂

Haircut 3
Since I’m now sporting a bob cut, I’ve got a series of multi-panel cartoons that I’d like to do just on haircuts. This is actually the third haircut cartoon. Haircut 2 didn’t quite make the cut. *pun intended* HAHAHAHA That just rolled out of nowhere! The other day in class I was teaching my Math…

Slug Casualty
Just when Metro Vancouver thought the worst snow storm was over, WHAM!! We’re pelted with another wave of snow which is quite unusual in our mild climate. I initially put this idea on the back burner for next winter but lo and behold, I didn’t have to wait too long. If you fail to shovel…

Organic Food
You know that saying “beggars can’t be choosy”? Inspiration was derived directly from there.

Dinner Served
Well, today marks the first day of Christmas vacation for students and teachers. It’s been quite chilly here in the Vancouver region as temperatures hovered around -8C (which is around 18F). Needless to say, I thought it might be nice for us to get a bit of “sun” even if in cartoon. I dug up…

Shoe Shoe
My little 2 year old girl was practicing her imperatives with our 7lb dog Pocket one day. In her cute little toddler voice, she kept shouting at Pocket to “Shoo shoo!” Pocket though, just sat there and stared her wide-eyed stare and didn’t budge an inch. Then it occurred to me that “shoo” basically sounds…

Lest We Forget
To all those involved with the military past, present and future…. Thank you for your service. We are extremely blessed to live in such a country as Canada.

Kiddie Trap
Halloween just passed and the kid did great pulling in a major haul to feed Mom and Dad’s addiction to sugar. She went as a purple dinosaur. It was glorious. Her tail almost caught fire as it brushed up against a jack-o-lantern’s internal and very lit candle. Anyway, this cartoon was done a while back…

Chicken Horror
Hehe, I hope I didn’t go overboard on this one. I inked this a while back and gained inspiration whilst working on this >>Â Quit Playin’Â << cartoon. (Click on Quit Playin’). One of the posters on the back wall has a chicken crossing the road and in my stream of consciousness drew a cracked egg in…

I went to the zoo a few weeks ago and I must say, that is a great place to get inspiration for cartoons! It was precisely there that I saw the turkey vulture. The name was intriguing to me so I took note of it and stored it for later use. So when Canadian Thanksgiving…

So this just in… this is a REAL word! One of my favourite past times is to scroll through my facebook news feed. The other day I came across this gem. It immediately stood out to me and i just couldn’t resist. Props to my colleague T.S. for the terrific find! 😀

Quit Playin’
This cartoon took forever to draw. I couldn’t get the perspective on the table right… I laboured over the placement of the chess pieces… and yes, to all the chess lovers out there, I do realize a chess board is 8×8. It was too hard to draw that out completely. I must admit, one of…

Happy Birthday
So today was the munchkin’s 2nd birthday. I decided to post up a birthday-esque cartoon that I drew up a couple months ago. I was experimenting with a more New Yorker style but think my cartoons are still a bit too cartoony, if that makes any sense. Anyway, now that she’s full-swing into the Terrible…

Beware Of
We have a small dog. She is awesome. Her name is Pocket. People trip over her lots. Husband solved the problem. Voila!

Massage therapy Oh how i love thee And with more intensity My body reaches harmony Ugh, it’s late so I know my rhymes ain’t that great. :p

Hot Summer
‘Nuf said. This was inspired when I was in Mexico enduring the grueling heat and humidity.

Fat Dog
Full credit for the idea of THIS CARTOON WHY IS THIS ALL CAPS?? FEELS LIKE I’M SHOUTING… *Ahem* as I was saying, full credit for the idea of this cartoon goes to my husband 🙂 Our dog is a little 7 lb Toy Fox Terrier, but man can she eat. In fact, I’m quite grateful…

Bed Jumping
I was in Mexico when I drew this up. Inspiration came from my almost 2 year old. She was having the time of her life jumping and flopping on the bed, which led to the thought of “I told you not to jump on the bed”. The fish bowl cartoon is replete with punchlines waiting…

Cutie Patootie
As I take my dog and baby for walks in the summer, I realize that there are 2 kinds of people I encounter: those that notice dogs and those that notice babies. I have a 22 month old daughter who is pretty darned cute (no momma bias whatsoever) and I also happen to have a…

Smart Spider
Taking out the compost one day had me smack-full in the trenches of flies being disturbed from their rotting meal. A thought popped into my head, “Smart is the spider who builds its web above this compost”.

Ribbit Ribbit
Ever noticed how close “ribbit” and “rabbit” sounded? Well, if so, then you’re in good company! If not, carry on! This mischievousness reminds me of my childhood 🙂 Now lesseeeeeee, which one to share? It was summer and I was 10ish. The ice cream truck would drive slowly through our neighbourhood blaring Joplin’s “The Entertainer”…

Nose Job
The Province, May 22, 2016 For my young readers who may not be aware, the sciency name for ‘nose job’ is ‘rhinoplasty’. That word, in and of itself basically was loaded with a punchline which depended on me how much I wanted to play with it. The final result is based off of my husband’s suggestion, to…

Missed the Boat
Ever felt like you missed the boat? Well there’s good news.  You CAN swim AND survive! 🙂

Itsy Bitsy
My favourite part of this cartoon is its cute little bum 🙂

Fishers of Men
Jesus famously said in Matthew 4:19 and Mark 1:17 “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (ESV). IÂ wondered what this looked like if taken from the viewpoint of carnivorous sharks. This is an older cartoon but upon my husband’s suggestion, I did update it to reflect a newer, more polished appearance in…

Baby Powder
The Province, May 1, 2016 Often times, people will say, “Don’t take things too literally”. Well, I’m an expert at taking things literally and it’s suited me fine, thank you very much. In fact, it’s helped me produce a lot of ideas for cartoons. Take for example today’s cartoon. I was using some cornstarch-based baby…

Just an idea I had when I thought how about how other primates must view our celebrity culture through their eyes. FYI, IÂ tried to draw this as clean as possible.

Au Naturel
I grew up in a family of 4 girls, plus my mom. We also had 2 dogs that were female (I think the correct term is *bitches*). My poor father was the lone male of the household. I always tell people he compensated by raising us all as tomboys. As such, I am useless when…

Chicken Sneeze
A couple years ago, I sketched this out but only decided to bring this to life in colour now. Vancouver this time of year is absolutely gorgeous. The first signs of Spring are in full motion – the loud drone of lawnmowers cutting its first lawn of the year, colourful flowers adorn sidewalks and gardens, birds…

Big bird
I love Sesame Street. I grew up on Sesame Street. And now my daughter watches enough Sesame Street. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) I’m not above scat humour. Sorry?? I do do that sort of stuff. See what I did there? I’m even related to some cousins that made their entire wedding theme all about flatulence! A smelly…

Inside the Box
The Province, Mar. 13, 2016. People sometimes ask me where I get my inspiration from. Sometimes my mind wanders, but often times it’s just from hanging out with people. I listen to their language and the idioms that inevitably come out. I swear, there’s such a goldmine of punchlines waiting to be discovered. Such is…

Buck Buck Buck
This cartoon was initially drawn with a dorky muscular man with buck teeth, a chicken and then a dude buying a watermelon in the lineup of a grocery checkout. My husband thought the chicken should be at the back and the muscular man should look gangster. So I listened to him (must have been a…

First published cartoon in colour! The Province, Feb. 14, 2016. After drawing all my cartoons by hand up until this point, my husband convinced me to draw them on the computer. What powers of persuasion, eh? Well, he did convince me to marry him after all… Anyway, I’m a bit of a technophobe. I like…